Friday, October 18, 2024

Java vs Javascript: Important Differences, Performance Comparison


Java and JavaScript are widely used in the programming community. Of the popular coding languages, both Java and JavaScript are the most used programming languages. Despite the considerable resemblance in the name, these two languages operate very differently.  Java and JavaScript can, however, be misunderstood. To comprehend the distinction between Java and JavaScript, let’s split it down.


James Gosling created JAVA at Sun Microsystems Inc. in 1995. Oracle Corporation eventually purchased Sun Microsystems Inc. The programming language is straightforward, and programming is simple to write, compile, and debug with Java. It supports the development of modular programs and reusable code. Java is an object-oriented, class-based programming language that is intended to have a minimal amount of implementation dependencies. A compiled general-purpose programming language designed for developers to write once and run anywhere. All platforms that support Java can run Java code. Java applications are compiled to create byte code that can be executed on any Java Virtual Machine. Java’s syntax is comparable to that of C/C++.But Java came in the existence because c++ was not feasible for client-server applications.

Java is an object-oriented, class-based, general-purpose programming language created to have fewer implementation dependencies. It helps the development of modular programs and reusable code. Java is quick, safe, and trustworthy programming language designed for developers to write once and run anywhere. Platforms that support Java can easily run Java code without any hassle. It is commonly used to create Java applications for smartphones, game consoles, laptops, data centers, and other devices.

Primary Features of Java

  1. Platform-Independent: The JVM runs the bytecode that the compiler created after converting the source code to bytes. This means that if we develop a program on Windows, we can execute it on Linux, and vice versa. The virtual machine handles the bytecode variations for the various platforms. Java consequently has very low run-time needs. No code must be interpreted for various hardware configurations because the Java virtual machine takes care of all hardware-related difficulties. Each operating system uses a separate JVM, and all systems yield the same results after executing the bytecode – Java is a platform-independent language for this reason.
  1. Simple: Java is easy to learn, and its syntax is clear and concise. It is one of the simpler programming languages as it lacks features like pointers, operator overloading, multiple inheritances, and explicit memory allocation. 
  1. Reliable: Java is a robust and dependable language. Java’s design prioritizes error detection quite early. The Java compiler can identify errors that are difficult for other programming languages to spot. Java’s robustness components are garbage collection, exception handling, and memory allocation.
  1. Portable: Java code created on one system can execute and work on another. Java is platform-independent, allowing its platform-independent bytecode to run on any platform.
  1. High performance: Java’s architecture lowers runtime overhead at times. It uses a Just In Time (JIT) compiler to develop code on-demand, yielding just the methods called, allowing programs to operate faster.

Applications of Java


  1. Mobile Applications: Java is a cross-platform development environment used to create apps that work on smartphones and other small-screen gadgets. Java is compatible with software like Kotlin and Android Studio. Java Platform, Micro Edition (alternately called Java ME or J2ME) functions as a cross-platform framework for building applications that supports all Java-support devices. Popular mobile applications like Twitter, Netflix, Spotify, and others are built on Java.
  2. Web Applications: Java’s capacity to communicate with many systems makes it ideal for creating web applications. It enables the development of interactive, dynamic web applications. JSP, web servers, spring, and Hibernate make constructing websites feasible.
  3. Spring Framework: The Spring Framework offers a complete programming and configuration architecture for modern Java-based enterprise applications on any deployment platform. Spring is a lightweight framework that supports numerous other frameworks, like Struts, Hibernate, Tapestry, EJB, JSF, etc. To create enterprise applications, it uses several novel approaches, including dependency injection (DI), aspect-oriented programming (AOP), and plain old Java objects (POJO).
  4. Artificial Intelligence: Java is a top language for AI projects. It has intelligent software integrated into its infrastructure to improve AI programming. Since algorithms and artificial intelligence are closely related, Java can code several algorithms in AI programming. Although Java’s automation and machine learning capabilities alter how you utilize technology in the workplace, it provides the most cutting-edge features for creating intelligent goods and services.
  5. Desktop GUI Applications: Java allows for faultless desktop application design. APIs like Swing, Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT), and JavaFX offer a contemporary method for creating GUI applications. Java’s use in desktop programs has many incredible advantages, like quick learning curves, visual feedback, simultaneous display of numerous instances, and many more.
  6. Gaming applications: Java is one of the preferred choices for game development. Java is used to create well-known video games, including Mission Impossible III, Minecraft, and Asphalt 6. It supports the Dalvik Virtual Machine and jMonkeyEngine, to create 2D and 3D Android games.

Disadvantages of Java

  1. The software runs rather slowly because of the JIT compiler.
  2. Java does not support unsigned int, unsigned char like C/C++C/C++ programs run substantially faster than Java programs.
  3. Java requires a significant amount of processing power and memory. Hardware prices consequently rise.
  4. Does not support low-level programming constructs such as pointers.


When we talk about Java vs JavaScript, we should remember that JavaScript is the world’s most preferred, lightweight, interpreted, and interpreted programming language. It is often referred to as web page scripting language, and both client-side and server-side developments are compatible. The advanced programming language JavaScript enhances web pages’ interactivity and dynamic nature. 

Brendan Eich developed JavaScript in 1995 while working as an engineer for Netscape. The initial proposed name was LiveScript, but it was changed. JavaScript has no concept of input or output, in contrast to the bulk of computer languages. It is designed to work as a scripting language in a host environment, and it is up to that environment to provide channels for interacting with external systems. The most prevalent host environment is the browser.

Primary Features of JavaScript

  1. Light-weight programming language: Because of its straightforward implementation, low CPU utilization, and simple grammar, JavaScript is regarded as lightweight. There are no data types in terms of minimal syntax; everything is viewed as an item here It is relatively simple to learn.
  1. Most popular language: The most widespread language on the planet is JavaScript, according to a recent Stack Overflow study. With browser technology improvements, JavaScript can now do much more on the server, because of  runtime environment called Node.js
  2. Client-side calculations: JavaScript can carry out simple /complex mathematical operations on the browser because it is a client-side technology. The browser can request the server’s time for only some jobs. This is highly beneficial when a user wants to carry out these computations repeatedly. In many scenarios, establishing a connection to the server would take far longer than carrying out the calculations themselves.
  1. Platform Independent: JavaScript is interpretable by browsers, eliminating compatibility and compilation issues. It can be used on platforms that support Windows, Macintosh, and others. Additionally, they can be included in any other JavaScript script, such as HTML.
  1. Array functions: Although not necessary for any programming language, array functions simplify the developer’s job. As a result, the code also becomes significantly shorter and easier to understand. JavaScript backs both a regular array and an associative array. The indexes of an associative array can be strings, although the indexes of a traditional array must always be integer numbers.

Applications of JavaScript

  1. Server applications: Server-side programs are created in JavaScript using the Node.js open-source runtime environment. Developers can create, test, and debug code for rapid network applications. JavaScript assists in content creation and HTTP request management. Top businesses have used Node.js for server architecture, including Walmart, PayPal, Uber, GoDaddy, and many others.
  2. Mobile applications: With the popularity of mobile devices at an all-time high, JavaScript frameworks have been created to make the development of mobile apps for various operating systems, including iOS, Android, and Windows, easier. Building cross-platform mobile apps using the React Native framework lets programmers use a single front end for Android and iOS platforms.
  3. Web Applications: Robust online apps are developed and built using a variety of JavaScript frameworks. Users of a program like Google Maps only need to click and drag the mouse to acquire a detailed view of a map if they wish to explore it. React Native, React, Angular, and Vue are popular JavaScript front-end frameworks that aid in the development of online applications. Application Programming Interfaces and the AngularJS JavaScript framework were used to develop Netflix and PayPal (APIs).
  4. Presentations: JavaScript is frequently used to build interactive website presentations. To create web-based slide presentations using HTML, use the RevealJs and BespokeJs packages. With transitional styles, themes, and slide backgrounds in all CSS color formats, RevealJs makes it easier to construct interactive slide decks. BespokeJs offers scaling, animated bullet lists, syntax highlighting, and other features. Users can create presentations like webpages using JavaScript even if they have yet to become versed entirely in a programming language.
  5. Art: The canvas element, a recent addition to HTML5 and JavaScript, makes drawing 2D and 3D graphics on a website simple. This has made it possible for numerous browser-based digital art projects. Become a digital artist by writing your JavaScript-based art.

Java V.S. JavaScript: Which is better?

The debate between Java v.s. JavaScript has always been a heated discussion in the programming world. Java and JavaScript vary primarily because Java is an OOP programming language, and JavaScript is an OOP scripting language. JavaScript code is entirely written in text and only needs to be interpreted. Contrarily, Java needs to be compiled.

They are employed in a variety of projects. While JavaScript is mainly used on HTML texts and browsers, Java creates applications for devices or browsers. Java and JavaScript both require different plug-ins to function.
Businesses that use Java – 

  • Numerous Google products, such as the Web Toolkit, Android-based apps, and Gmail, use Java.
  • Uber was built on the platform.
  • One of the first significant payment systems to use Java was Paypal. Although they have started to revamp their platform using JavaScript, Java is still used extensively.
  • Twitter uses Java to provide a digital fluid interface.
  • Airbnb uses Java for its backend processes.
  • NASA uses Java for its maintenance and observation software, 
  • Spotify uses Java as a backend language.
  • Tesla prefers candidates with a working knowledge of Java for employment.

Disadvantages of JavaScript

  1. Client-side It is not possible to read or write files using JavaScript. 
  2. The biggest issue or drawback with JavaScript is that anyone may examine the code because it is always visible.
  3. No matter how quickly JavaScript is interpreted, JavaScript’s DOM (Document Object Model) is always sluggish and incapable of producing HTML quickly.
  4. JavaScript cannot be utilized for networking applications.
  5. JavaScript lacks multithreading and multiprocessor capabilities.

Through a developer’s lens: What’s the difference between Java and JavaScript?

Compiles v.s. Interpreted

Compiled languages, like Java, optimize and turn scribbles into byte code that can later be read by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) while checking the entire project’s code. It detects a good number of syntactical mistakes and notifies programmers of them during compilation. A lot of compiled languages also address the issue of intellectual property security. Java compilation does not, by default, secure your code against decompilation, but there are steps you may take to safeguard your output described in numerous online resources.
At runtime, interpreted languages like JavaScript read and interpret your source code as they go.

The performance hit caused by interpretation is minimal because of the interpreters’ increased speed and strength. There needs to be a suitable solution to make your code both executable and inaccessible in protecting intellectual property. The interpreter must be able to read your code when it is being executed, which is the basis for this requirement. Obfuscation software can make it look like a complete jumble by removing all spaces, carriage returns, and tabs, but ultimately it must retain many of the original components.

Object-oriented programming

Object-oriented languages include Java and JavaScript. Java requires the use of objects across the entire codebase, but JavaScript is far more lenient and permits simple linear programming without the use of objects. Both languages support polymorphism and inheritance, essential components of object-oriented design. Due to the dynamic nature of the language and the relatively complex syntax needed to describe such things, JavaScript is more complicated. 

Functional programming

JavaScript treats functions as first-class citizens. They are handled like objects, have the ability to be handed into other functions, and, if required, can carry member variables of their own. Languages that enable functional programming are the only ones that can take advantage of this flexibility, which leads to some highly intriguing solutions and design patterns.
Java has a solution for functional programming of its own. In Java 1.8 (“Java 8”), lambdas provide a potent way to filter and modify data collections. However, lambdas’ use is primarily limited to data processing and does not extend beyond that.

How can we help?

Java v.s. JavaScript will always be an active discussion in the coding community, and we hope the above information will assist you in making an informed decision before choosing the correct programming language for your product.
We create specialized web and mobile applications for further assistance using the most recent IT developments, increasing our customers’ competitive advantages and operational effectiveness. We provide exceptional full-cycle software development services and foster dependable, open relationships with our clients. Our choices are based on the extensive experience of our experts, considering the product’s future scalability and the resources you have to succeed in it. 
Our team will help you build a product that is simple to maintain and can scale along with the expansion of your company. 

Get in touch with our experts at SUMATOSOFT and turn your dream into reality.

What’s stopping you now?

Author Bio

Tricia Pearson is an experienced writer at Net Solutions with five years of domain experience across marketing, Tech, and B2B solutions. She works to inspire creativity and encourages team members to bring their best to each project. Tricia thrives in competitive teams and gets satisfaction from late-night writing sprints. She prefers reading by the beach, hiking, and discovering new local cafes during her downtime.

Tricia Pearson is an experienced writer at Net Solutions with five years of domain experience across marketing, Tech, and B2B solutions. She works to inspire creativity and encourages team members to bring their best to each project. Tricia thrives in competitive teams and gets satisfaction from late-night writing sprints. She prefers reading by the beach, hiking, and discovering new local cafes during her downtime.

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