Friday, October 18, 2024

Common Challenges Faced in AngularJS Development and How to Overcome Them

A popular framework for open source is AngularJS, which helps in website development. It may not be that effective when a big website is considered. Unless you know how to execute the best practices of a framework, the challenges of AngularJS will persist and take a toll on your user experience of a website application.

In this article, we will discuss certain challenges faced in Angular JS development and how to overcome them.

You can explore more in the below section.

Challenges Faced in AngularJS Development

Let’s check out certain challenges that obstruct the success of Angular applications to their full potential.

Redundant Use of Cloud Space

Needless use of the server creates threats to app security. The end product of a cyber-attack is a security vulnerability in the server. It delays the functioning of app development.

Slow Page Response Time

Slow loading on a page makes the user click on other features and waits, wherein a user’s attention span is 5 seconds. You would deal your app consumer with a bosh response if you didn’t get back to them simultaneously.

Shows Unexpected Pop-Up Errors

Unexpected errors can pop up because of heavy data load streams in your Angular app. It can result from the real-time data stream you endorse to focus on your app’s end users.

Blending Third-party Libraries

Any website development, not just AngularJS-powered apps, uses third-party libraries in combination to achieve the desired business results. But, transformations in the DOM while blending third-party libraries can impact the performance of AngularJS.

The same challenges can occur when you get back value via Ajax calls. It is hard to manually handle the transformation even if you start a $digest loop.

Code Structuring

A key technical challenge in AngularJS is complete documentation during development. It can lead to poor code organization. Logical code structuring is a key concern in big AngularJS websites because the practice supports the developers in keeping track of important items.

It also introduces more controllers and services as part of the growing code base. Without adequate code structuring, the directory organization can be overstuffed when adding more files.

Considering jQuery

Many developers use jQuery to develop websites or mobile apps. We all understand what the jQuery library is, but you may not understand that it has the potential to enable developers to manipulate the DOM whenever it is essential. Unfortunately, if you are using AngularJS, then it would be suggested not to consider jQuery.

Do you know why it happens? Because jQuery doesn’t work well when it is blended with the framework. Moreover, it would be best to remember that Angular can handle the concerns by checking for support from the third-party library.

Performance Concern

Web sites and apps developed using AngularJS find it complex to deal with heavy traffic. Sometimes, it may lag due to below-par app performance. It can specifically impact AngularJS development companies that have to deal with large data volumes.

Code Debugging

Any web application development project will inevitably include the difficult task of debugging. Nevertheless, debugging web apps is more challenging due to AngularJS’s extensive directory system.

Because the code is displayed as a single large piece, it is hard to see it in portions and identify complex problems. However, the AngularJS Batarang add-on can solve this and other AngularJS performance problems. 

Javascript Support Mandatory

Let’s assume that Javascript functionality has been deactivated on your desktops and laptops. After that, the users can struggle to utilize Javascript-enabled websites or applications.

It is precisely the situation with older technology and computers that cannot handle Javascript because they lack the hardware and software required to access the AngularJS website. But with websites created using simple HTML, this issue is not present.

Sluggish Loading

A website’s loading speed can be reduced due to lazy loading, particularly with large AngularJS applications. The system’s development team does not, however, support the lazy loading feature, which enables JavaScript files to load correctly as the code bases grow.

In addition to using ReactJS with another open-source platform that enables lazy loading, a reduction is another option for accelerating page load times. You might switch to Angular as a substitute, where each component loads individually within a single-page solution. It may aid you in identifying certain performance concerns of AngularJS.

Complex to Learn

AngularJS lacks the required documentation related to knowledge sharing and learning. Consequently, web developers or new learners adapt to the framework. In addition, developers who lack experience working with MVC architectural patterns or are inexperienced with MVC can face even high challenges.

Moreover, functionalities and directives such as dependency injections are moderately challenging for conventional developers. Therefore, AngularJS demonstrates the vertical learning curve for potential web developers, entrepreneurs, or business owners seeking to develop responsive apps.

Loading JavaScript Files

Commonly, a large AngularJS project needs different JavaScript files that naturally load one after the other. It indicates each JavaScript file relies on another one for loading due to drawn-out unfavorable impacts that obstruct the performance while loading files open in the shell page.

You can avoid such dependency by vigorously maintaining the JavaScript files; hence, they can load as users request. Along with this, you can consider RequireJS for accomplishing these features.

Memory Leakage

Another problem with the AngularJS framework is memory leakage. It arises when a memory unit that is not applied or required for an app doesn’t get back to the operating software.

If such leaks impact the app developed through AngularJS, it can give rise to a series of issues like app crashes or slowdowns, latency concerns, and even affect the performance of other apps.

How Do You Overcome these challenges?

Developing scalable AngularJS apps requires significant design, development, and deployment integration. This part will evaluate certain best practices for developing scalable AngularJS apps.

Unpredicted Crashes

During application, the application crashes anywhere, leaving behind the user’s decision of whether to implement it or not. In such a condition, you can assess a solution inside Angular rather than checking other best front-end frameworks.

Utilization of Modular Architecture

A modular architecture design pattern divides an app into smaller, independent modules. This approach makes it easier to organize and manage the code. It also creates a simple process to scale the app whenever required. In AngularJS, you can utilize Angular modules for executing the modular architecture.

Adequate Utilization of Dependency Injection

Dependency injection is a tool that permits a class to get its dependencies from external sources instead of developing them itself. The AngularJS strategy makes it simpler to test and also maintain the code. It can enhance scalability. It has developed a built-in dependency injection system. It makes it easy to execute this tool.

Utilization of Developing Procedures and Automation Tools

Automating to build and deploy the system can enhance scalability by simplifying testing and deploying code transformations. Angular CLI is a command-line interface for Angular that facilitates a set of techniques to automate process development and deployment.

Utilization of Linear and Code-Quality Tools

Linear and code quality techniques can support ensuring that code is written consistently and adheres to sound practices. It can make it easier to handle and maintain the code, and it can also enhance scalability. Different popular linters and code quality tools are accessible for AngularJS, like Codelyzer and TSLint.

The Utilization of Performance Monitoring Techniques

Performance monitoring tools can support addressing and diagnosing an app’s performance concerns and bottlenecks. It can help enhance scalability by making managing and fixing performance concerns easier.

Angular provides a built-in performance monitoring technique, the Angular Augury, and third-party techniques are available, like App Dynamics and New Relic.


As companies continue to rise, many business owners and investors seek experimental phases to achieve market expectations. It seems highly prone to integrating its businesses into the target market. It is only attainable if you have the right front-end applications that act as a medium to reach potential customers without stress.

In this way, AngularJS is a highly used solution because it supports creating customized applications that assure you rapid market reach and ensures possible business growth. Therefore, an AngularJS development company can plan to develop their AngularJS strategies to reach a larger user base in the current business environment.

Naveen Khanna
Naveen Khanna
Naveen Khanna is the founder of eBizneeds, a company renowned for its bespoke mobile app development and web development in eCommerce app development and fintech development. Our team is lean and innovative, perfect for working with creative startups with a blue ocean strategy, aiming to create new products and services. Even If you are an established firm, our professional processes will ensure your project is carried out to the highest standards.

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